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Wetland Health Resort

Source:Nandan County Baping Wetland Forest health tourism scenic spot    Time:2022-10-14 18:07    Read:126

Born from nature, in harmony with nature and connected to everything

As one of the important ecosystems in the world, wetlands play a key role in ecological balance by water conservation, water purification, biodiversity maintenance, flood storage for drought prevention, climate regulation and carbon sequestration. They play an important role in China's ecological, food and water resources security. Today, there are 153 species of higher plants belonging to 122 genera and 74 families in the wetland, including the first class national protected plants Ginkgo biloba, Taxus chinensis var. mairei and Alsophila spinulosa. 14 species of fish belonging to 4 orders and 8 families, 5 species of amphibians belonging to 1 order and 3 families, 11 species of reptiles belonging to 2 orders and 6 families, 92 species of birds belonging to 15 orders and 36 families and 11 species of mammals belonging to 5 orders and 8 families have been identified in the wetlands reservoirs and the rivers and its surrounding forests. There are 92 species of birds belonging to 15 orders and 36 families. Based on the unique climate of wetlands, we have set up scenic spots such as Wetland Wharfs, Zhongdao Camp Ground and Wetland Science Park, while making great efforts to conserve the natural environment of the wetland. 

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