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Climatic landscape

There are three major ecosystems on the earth: forests, oceans and wetlands.

Wetland is called the "kidney of the earth"; The forest is called "the lung of the earth"; The ocean is called the "heart of the earth".

In a narrow sense, wetland refers to the area where wetland organisms grow because the surface is too wet or the water often accumulates. Wetland ecosystem is a unified whole composed of wetland plants, animals inhabiting wetlands, microorganisms and their environment. Wetlands have multiple functions: protecting biodiversity, regulating runoff, improving water quality, regulating microclimate, providing food and industrial raw materials, and providing tourism resources.

Wetland is a multifunctional and biodiversity rich ecosystem on the earth, and is one of the most important living environments for human beings.

Wetlands are of various types, usually divided into natural and artificial. Natural wetlands include marshes, peatlands, lakes, rivers, beaches and salt marshes, while artificial wetlands mainly include paddy fields, reservoirs, ponds, etc. According to statistics, there are 8.558 million square kilometers of natural wetlands in the world, accounting for 6.4% of the land area.

The planning area of Baping Wetland Forest Health Tourism Scenic Area in Nandan County is 5.5 square kilometers. The scenic area is a subtropical monsoon and humid climate area with abundant sunshine, mild climate, spring like seasons, no cold winter and hot summer. The average annual temperature is 16.9 ℃, and the average annual precipitation is about 1400 mm. It is the most suitable resort for health care and tourism. The scenic area is rich in vegetation, with a vegetation coverage rate of more than 90%, fresh air, and a negative oxygen ion content of 90,000/cm3. The air with high negative oxygen ion content can inhibit and improve more than 30 kinds of diseases. At the same time, it has good therapeutic effects on cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases such as hypertension, hyperlipidemia, respiratory diseases such as asthma, tracheitis, sleep disorders, anxiety and other nervous system diseases. It can also regulate the imbalance of acid-base environment and redox status in the body, inhibit cancer cells, eliminate adverse reactions of radiotherapy and chemotherapy, etc.

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