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natural landscape

"Wetlands" generally refer to lowlands temporarily or permanently covered with water depth of no more than 2 meters, meadows with more water filled soil, and coastal areas with water depth of no more than 6 meters at low tide, including various saline freshwater marshes, wet meadows, lakes, rivers, flood plains, estuarine deltas, peatlands, lake and sea mudflats, riverside depressions or floodplains, wet grasslands, etc. According to the definition of the International Convention on Wetlands, wetlands refer to marshes, wetlands, peatlands or water areas, whether natural or artificial, permanent or temporary, with static or flowing, or fresh, brackish or saline water bodies, including water areas with water depths not exceeding 6 meters at low tide. Moist or shallow waterlogged areas develop into a geographical complex of aquatic biota and aquatic soil. It is the general name of various marshy and wet areas in land, flowing water, still water, estuaries, and marine systems. Wetland is an ecosystem with many unique functions on the earth. It not only provides a lot of food, raw materials and water resources for human beings, but also plays an important role in maintaining ecological balance, maintaining biodiversity and rare species resources, as well as water conservation, flood storage and drought prevention, degrading pollution to regulate climate, supplementing groundwater, and controlling soil erosion.

Baping Wetland Forest Health Tourism Scenic Area in Nandan County has wide water surface and clear water. The scenic area is surrounded by many peaks, rolling mountains and lush forests. It is a beautiful paradise where many aquatic and terrestrial animals and birds live. The winding waterway flows to the distant blue lake with the sound of water hitting, and the cool breeze is filled with the fragrance of mountain flowers and grass. The lake is crystal clear. If you are in a boat, you will feel clean and happy. You will forget all your troubles. You will feel extremely comfortable and refreshed. You will only live in the green water and mountains forever.

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