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Baping wetland forest health tourism scenic spot in Nandan county is a project carried out by Guangxi Maochen Cultural Tourism Investment Co., Ltd. with an area of 5.5 square kilometers, rich products and pleasant climate. The area is subtropical monsoon humid climate. The scenic spot is rich in forests, hot springs, rivers and other natural resources, relying on the surrounding good forest health environment and the health function of Camellia oleifera, With the design concept of "let nature return to life", we have created a "secret place of health care". By combining the elements of forests, mountains and lakes with the unique scenery and historical culture of Nandan, we integrate the new concepts of health services such as tourism, leisure, vacation, entertainment, sports, health preservation, pension, etc., and create experience products such as home stay and forest health care projects, as well as health care products such as sports, health food, ecological food, health medicine and diet, Form a new mode of integrated development of various business forms, so as to achieve a deep health experience, and then achieve the purpose of completely relaxing body and mind and recuperation and leisure.

At present, there are 153 species of higher plants belonging to 122 genera, 74 families, including Ginkgo biloba, Taxus chinensis and Alsophila spinulosa, which are national first-class protected plants. The reservoirs, rivers and surrounding forests have recorded 4 orders, 8 families and 14 species of fish, 1 order, 3 families and 5 species of amphibians, 2 orders, 6 families and 11 species of reptiles, 15 orders, 36 families and 92 species of birds, and 5 orders, 8 families and 11 species of mammals. There are 15 orders, 36 families and 92 species of birds. It is a national 4A tourist attraction integrating beautiful wetland landscape, strange and magnificent karst landform landscape, rare animal and plant landscape, distinctive Zhuang Yao folk culture and Camellia oleifera processing experience.